One of the recent events for the Liberty Project (which I’ve been mentioning here over the last number of weeks) was the Bray Hunger March. This march re-enacted the 1937 Bray Hunger March to raise money for projects in Africa…and I’m delighted to say that over 11, 400 Euro has been collected to date. As you can see from the pictures the large crowd braved the bad weather marching up Bray’s Main Street at 9.30 on a Saturday morning and finishing up in Rathdrum at about 7.30pm.
It was a great experience, made greater by the enthusiasm and participation of the walkers from Wicklow.
I should remind you of what exactly the Bray Hunger March was…. In 1937 60 men walked the route from Bray to Rathdrum, walking though the night, to protest at the low rate of welfare. The re-enactment as part of the Liberty March wanted to show support and solidarity for the poor of the developing world so it is hugely satisfying that so much money was raised. Thanks to all who participated and contributed to this very worthwhile project. There were some weary legs and damp clothes but it was worth every minute of it!!
The cheque of almost 12,000 Euro will be presented at the Grand Hotel Bray this Wednesday, 21st June at 9pm…all are welcome especially the walkers – proving that those who walk the walk can also talk the talk!!